The November 5th Colon Day celebrations of the 104th anniversary of the official Separation of Panama from Columbia had several great moments to remember. I somehow managed to capture a few.
After getting my first taste of Apocalypsis we then headed back to 5th street so that I could see, hear and well…feel them again. (the photos show the difference) I say feel them because standing on the street with the ‘Bombo’ banging is a sure way to calibrate your heart.
There should be a way that we get to see a band of this calibre more often than once per year. Although I’m not sure my heart could handle it…
With bands from Colon, the interior and Panama City the entertainment was rich. However, Apocalypsis was the crowd favourite and I do not think it’s because they are from Colon. They were highly entertaining, if you love the antics of drummers.
The crowd in this section of the city had grown much thicker. They were waiting for the entertainment to start.
And we loved it! Now bombos in the air…
Hope you enjoyed…